final class Iterables

Utilities for iterables.


static bool
contains(iterable $iterable, mixed $value)

Tests for the presence of value.

static bool
containsKey(iterable $iterable, mixed $key)

Tests for the presence of key.

static mixed
first(iterable $iterable, callable|null $predicate = null, callable|null $else = null)

Returns the first item (matching the specified predicate if given). If there is no such item, it returns result of invoking $else or null.

static mixed
firstKey(iterable $iterable, callable|null $predicate = null, callable|null $else = null)

Returns the key of first item (matching the specified predicate if given). If there is no such item, it returns result of invoking $else or null.

static bool
some(iterable $iterable, callable $predicate)

Tests whether at least one element in the iterator passes the test implemented by the provided callback with signature function (mixed $value, mixed $key, iterable $iterable): bool.

static bool
every(iterable $iterable, callable $predicate)

Tests whether all elements in the iterator pass the test implemented by the provided function, which has the signature function (mixed $value, mixed $key, iterable $iterable): bool.

static Generator
filter(iterable $iterable, callable $predicate)

Iterator that filters elements according to a given $predicate. Maintains original keys.

static Generator
map(iterable $iterable, callable $transformer)

Iterator that transforms values by calling $transformer. Maintains original keys.

static iterable
memoize(iterable $iterable)

Wraps around iterator and caches its keys and values during iteration.

__construct(iterable $iterable, array $cache = [])

No description


No description


at line 25
static bool contains(iterable $iterable, mixed $value)

Tests for the presence of value.


iterable $iterable
mixed $value

Return Value


at line 39
static bool containsKey(iterable $iterable, mixed $key)

Tests for the presence of key.


iterable $iterable
mixed $key

Return Value


at line 57
static mixed first(iterable $iterable, callable|null $predicate = null, callable|null $else = null)

Returns the first item (matching the specified predicate if given). If there is no such item, it returns result of invoking $else or null.

The $predicate has the signature function (mixed $value, mixed $key, iterable $iterable): bool.


iterable $iterable
callable|null $predicate
callable|null $else

Return Value


at line 75
static mixed firstKey(iterable $iterable, callable|null $predicate = null, callable|null $else = null)

Returns the key of first item (matching the specified predicate if given). If there is no such item, it returns result of invoking $else or null.

The $predicate has the signature function (mixed $value, mixed $key, iterable $iterable): bool.


iterable $iterable
callable|null $predicate
callable|null $else

Return Value


at line 94
static bool some(iterable $iterable, callable $predicate)

Tests whether at least one element in the iterator passes the test implemented by the provided callback with signature function (mixed $value, mixed $key, iterable $iterable): bool.


iterable $iterable
callable $predicate

Return Value


at line 113
static bool every(iterable $iterable, callable $predicate)

Tests whether all elements in the iterator pass the test implemented by the provided function, which has the signature function (mixed $value, mixed $key, iterable $iterable): bool.


iterable $iterable
callable $predicate

Return Value


at line 133
static Generator filter(iterable $iterable, callable $predicate)

Iterator that filters elements according to a given $predicate. Maintains original keys.

The callback has the signature function (mixed $value, mixed $key, iterable $iterable): bool.


iterable $iterable
callable $predicate

Return Value


at line 153
static Generator map(iterable $iterable, callable $transformer)

Iterator that transforms values by calling $transformer. Maintains original keys.

The callback has the signature function (mixed $value, mixed $key, iterable $iterable): bool.


iterable $iterable
callable $transformer

Return Value


at line 169
static iterable memoize(iterable $iterable)

Wraps around iterator and caches its keys and values during iteration.

This allows the data to be re-iterated multiple times.


iterable $iterable

Return Value


at line 172
__construct(iterable $iterable, array $cache = [])

No description


iterable $iterable
array $cache

at line 179
Generator getIterator()

No description

Return Value



Static class.