Assertion test helpers.

Assertion exception.

Code coverage collector.

Code coverage report generator.

Code coverage report generator.

Parses PHP source code and returns:

  • the start/end line information about functions, classes, interfaces, traits and their methods
  • the count of code lines
  • the count of commented code lines

Utility class for providing data from various sources for tests.

DomQuery simplifies querying (X)HTML documents.

Dumps PHP variables.

Testing environment.

Expectations for more complex assertions formulation.

Mock files.

PHP file mutator.

Test helpers.

CLI Tester.

Stupid command line arguments parser.


Single test job.

Runner output.

Console printer.

JUnit xml format printer.

Verbose logger.

Test Anything Protocol,

PHP command-line executable.

Test runner.

Test represents one result.

Default test behavior.

Single test case.

Errors specific to TestCase operations.

Exception thrown when a test case or a test method is skipped.