$ Entity#attributesProperty in class Entity


DecoderClass in namespace Nette\Neon

Parser for Nette Object Notation.

Decoder::decode() — Method in class Decoder

Decodes a NEON string.

Neon::decode() — Method in class Neon

Decodes a NEON string.


EncoderClass in namespace Nette\Neon

Simple generator for Nette Object Notation.

Encoder::encode() — Method in class Encoder

Returns the NEON representation of a value.

EntityClass in namespace Nette\Neon

Representation of 'foo(bar=1)' literal

ExceptionClass in namespace Nette\Neon

The exception that indicates error of NEON processing.

Neon::encode() — Method in class Neon

Returns the NEON representation of a value.


NeonClass in namespace Nette\Neon

Simple parser & generator for Nette Object Notation.


$ Entity#valueProperty in class Entity


Entity::__construct() — Method in class Entity
Entity::__set_state() — Method in class Entity