- AuthenticationException — Class in namespace Nette\Security
Authentication exception.
- Authenticator — Class in namespace Nette\Security
Performs authentication.
- Authenticator::authenticate() — Method in class Authenticator
Performs an authentication.
- Authorizator — Class in namespace Nette\Security
Authorizator checks if a given role has authorization to access a given resource.
- IAuthenticator::authenticate() — Method in class IAuthenticator
- Permission::addRole() — Method in class Permission
Adds a Role to the list. The most recently added parent takes precedence over parents that were previously added.
- Permission::addResource() — Method in class Permission
Adds a Resource having an identifier unique to the list.
- Permission::allow() — Method in class Permission
Allows one or more Roles access to [certain $privileges upon] the specified Resource(s).
- SimpleAuthenticator::authenticate() — Method in class SimpleAuthenticator
Performs an authentication.
- $ User#authenticatedRole — Property in class User
default role for authenticated user without own identity
- $ User#authenticator — Property in class User
- $ User#authorizator — Property in class User
- SecurityExtension::beforeCompile() — Method in class SecurityExtension
- CookieStorage — Class in namespace Nette\Bridges\SecurityHttp
Cookie storage for Nette\Security\User object.
- CookieStorage::clearAuthentication() — Method in class CookieStorage
Removed authenticated state of user.
- SessionStorage::clearAuthentication() — Method in class SessionStorage
Removed authenticated state of user.
- UserStorage::clearAuthentication() — Method in class UserStorage
Removed authenticated state of user.
- $ Identity#data — Property in class Identity
- Permission::deny() — Method in class Permission
Denies one or more Roles access to [certain $privileges upon] the specified Resource(s).
- SecurityExtension::getConfigSchema() — Method in class SecurityExtension
- CookieStorage::getState() — Method in class CookieStorage
Returns user authenticated state, identity and logout reason.
- SessionStorage::getState() — Method in class SessionStorage
Returns user authenticated state, identity and logout reason.
- SessionStorage::getNamespace() — Method in class SessionStorage
Returns current namespace.
- SessionStorage::getSessionSection() — Method in class SessionStorage
Returns and initializes $this->sessionSection.
- UserPanel::getTab() — Method in class UserPanel
Renders tab.
- UserPanel::getPanel() — Method in class UserPanel
Renders panel.
- IIdentity::getId() — Method in class IIdentity
Returns the ID of user.
- IIdentity::getRoles() — Method in class IIdentity
Returns a list of roles that the user is a member of.
- IIdentity::getData() — Method in class IIdentity
- Identity::getId() — Method in class Identity
Returns the ID of user.
- Identity::getRoles() — Method in class Identity
Returns a list of roles that the user is a member of.
- Identity::getData() — Method in class Identity
Returns a user data.
- Permission::getRoles() — Method in class Permission
Returns all Roles.
- Permission::getRoleParents() — Method in class Permission
Returns existing Role's parents ordered by ascending priority.
- Permission::getResources() — Method in class Permission
Returns all Resources.
- Permission::getQueriedRole() — Method in class Permission
Returns real currently queried Role. Use by assertion.
- Permission::getQueriedResource() — Method in class Permission
Returns real currently queried Resource. Use by assertion.
- Resource::getResourceId() — Method in class Resource
Returns a string identifier of the Resource.
- Role::getRoleId() — Method in class Role
Returns a string identifier of the Role.
- $ User#guestRole — Property in class User
default role for unauthenticated user
- User::getStorage() — Method in class User
- User::getIdentity() — Method in class User
Returns current user identity, if any.
- User::getId() — Method in class User
Returns current user ID, if any.
- User::getAuthenticator() — Method in class User
Returns authentication handler.
- User::getAuthenticatorIfExists() — Method in class User
Returns authentication handler.
- User::getLogoutReason() — Method in class User
Why was user logged out? Returns LOGOUT_MANUAL or LOGOUT_INACTIVITY.
- User::getRoles() — Method in class User
Returns a list of effective roles that a user has been granted.
- User::getAuthorizator() — Method in class User
Returns current authorization handler.
- User::getAuthorizatorIfExists() — Method in class User
Returns current authorization handler.
- UserStorage::getState() — Method in class UserStorage
Returns user authenticated state, identity and logout reason.
- Passwords::hash() — Method in class Passwords
Computes password´s hash. The result contains the algorithm ID and its settings, cryptographical salt and the hash itself.
- Permission::hasRole() — Method in class Permission
Returns true if the Role exists in the list.
- Permission::hasResource() — Method in class Permission
Returns true if the Resource exists in the list.
- User::hasAuthenticator() — Method in class User
- User::hasAuthorizator() — Method in class User
- Authorizator::isAllowed() — Method in class Authorizator
Performs a role-based authorization.
- IAuthenticator — Class in namespace Nette\Security
- IAuthorizator — Class in namespace Nette\Security
- IIdentity — Class in namespace Nette\Security
Represents the user of application.
- IResource — Class in namespace Nette\Security
- IRole — Class in namespace Nette\Security
- Identity — Class in namespace Nette\Security
- $ Identity#id — Property in class Identity
- IdentityHandler — Class in namespace Nette\Security
Adjusts identity from/to storage.
- Permission::isAllowed() — Method in class Permission
Returns true if and only if the Role has access to [certain $privileges upon] the Resource.
- $ User#identity — Property in class User
- $ User#id — Property in class User
- User::isLoggedIn() — Method in class User
Is this user authenticated?
- User::isInRole() — Method in class User
Is a user in the specified effective role?
- User::isAllowed() — Method in class User
Has a user effective access to the Resource? If $resource is null, then the query applies to all resources.
- SecurityExtension::loadConfiguration() — Method in class SecurityExtension
- $ User#loggedIn — Property in class User
- $ User#logoutReason — Property in class User
- User::login() — Method in class User
Conducts the authentication process. Parameters are optional.
- User::logout() — Method in class User
Logs out the user from the current session.
- Passwords::needsRehash() — Method in class Passwords
Finds out if the hash matches the options given in constructor.
- $ User#onLoggedIn — Property in class User
- $ User#onLoggedOut — Property in class User
- Passwords — Class in namespace Nette\Security
Password Hashing.
- Permission — Class in namespace Nette\Security
Access control list (ACL) functionality and privileges management.
- $ Identity#roles — Property in class Identity
- Permission::roleInheritsFrom() — Method in class Permission
Returns true if $role inherits from $inherit. If $onlyParents is true, then $role must inherit directly from $inherit.
- Permission::removeRole() — Method in class Permission
Removes the Role from the list.
- Permission::removeAllRoles() — Method in class Permission
Removes all Roles from the list.
- Permission::resourceInheritsFrom() — Method in class Permission
Returns true if $resource inherits from $inherit. If $onlyParents is true, then $resource must inherit directly from $inherit.
- Permission::removeResource() — Method in class Permission
Removes a Resource and all of its children.
- Permission::removeAllResources() — Method in class Permission
Removes all Resources.
- Permission::removeAllow() — Method in class Permission
Removes "allow" permissions from the list in the context of the given Roles, Resources, and privileges.
- Permission::removeDeny() — Method in class Permission
Removes "deny" restrictions from the list in the context of the given Roles, Resources, and privileges.
- Resource — Class in namespace Nette\Security
Represents resource, an object to which access is controlled.
- Role — Class in namespace Nette\Security
Represents role, an object that may request access to an IResource.
- $ User#roles — Property in class User
- User::refreshStorage() — Method in class User
- SecurityExtension — Class in namespace Nette\Bridges\SecurityDI
Security extension for Nette DI.
- CookieStorage::saveAuthentication() — Method in class CookieStorage
Sets the authenticated state of user.
- CookieStorage::setExpiration() — Method in class CookieStorage
Enables log out from the persistent storage after inactivity (like '20 minutes').
- CookieStorage::setCookieParameters() — Method in class CookieStorage
- SessionStorage — Class in namespace Nette\Bridges\SecurityHttp
Session storage for Nette\Security\User object.
- SessionStorage::saveAuthentication() — Method in class SessionStorage
Sets the authenticated state of user.
- SessionStorage::setExpiration() — Method in class SessionStorage
Enables log out from the persistent storage after inactivity (like '20 minutes').
- SessionStorage::setNamespace() — Method in class SessionStorage
Changes namespace; allows more users to share a session.
- Identity::setId() — Method in class Identity
Sets the ID of user.
- Identity::setRoles() — Method in class Identity
Sets a list of roles that the user is a member of.
- IdentityHandler::sleepIdentity() — Method in class IdentityHandler
- Permission::setRule() — Method in class Permission
Performs operations on Access Control List rules.
- SimpleAuthenticator — Class in namespace Nette\Security
Trivial implementation of Authenticator.
- SimpleIdentity — Class in namespace Nette\Security
Default implementation of IIdentity.
- User::setAuthenticator() — Method in class User
Sets authentication handler.
- User::setExpiration() — Method in class User
Enables log out after inactivity (like '20 minutes').
- User::setAuthorizator() — Method in class User
Sets authorization handler.
- UserStorage::saveAuthentication() — Method in class UserStorage
Sets the authenticated state of user.
- UserStorage::setExpiration() — Method in class UserStorage
Enables log out from the persistent storage after inactivity (like '20 minutes').
- UserPanel — Class in namespace Nette\Bridges\SecurityTracy
User panel for Debugger Bar.
- User — Class in namespace Nette\Security
User authentication and authorization.
- UserStorage — Class in namespace Nette\Security
Interface for persistent storage for user object data.
- Passwords::verify() — Method in class Passwords
Finds out, whether the given password matches the given hash.
- SimpleAuthenticator::verifyPassword() — Method in class SimpleAuthenticator
- IdentityHandler::wakeupIdentity() — Method in class IdentityHandler
- SecurityExtension::__construct() — Method in class SecurityExtension
- CookieStorage::__construct() — Method in class CookieStorage
- SessionStorage::__construct() — Method in class SessionStorage
- UserPanel::__construct() — Method in class UserPanel
- Identity::__construct() — Method in class Identity
- Identity::__set() — Method in class Identity
Sets user data value.
- Identity::__get() — Method in class Identity
Returns user data value.
- Identity::__isset() — Method in class Identity
- Passwords::__construct() — Method in class Passwords
Chooses which secure algorithm is used for hashing and how to configure it.
- SimpleAuthenticator::__construct() — Method in class SimpleAuthenticator
- User::__construct() — Method in class User