AuthenticationExceptionClass in namespace Nette\Security

Authentication exception.

AuthenticatorClass in namespace Nette\Security

Performs authentication.

Authenticator::authenticate() — Method in class Authenticator

Performs an authentication.

AuthorizatorClass in namespace Nette\Security

Authorizator checks if a given role has authorization to access a given resource.

IAuthenticator::authenticate() — Method in class IAuthenticator
Permission::addRole() — Method in class Permission

Adds a Role to the list. The most recently added parent takes precedence over parents that were previously added.

Permission::addResource() — Method in class Permission

Adds a Resource having an identifier unique to the list.

Permission::allow() — Method in class Permission

Allows one or more Roles access to [certain $privileges upon] the specified Resource(s).

SimpleAuthenticator::authenticate() — Method in class SimpleAuthenticator

Performs an authentication.

$ User#authenticatedRoleProperty in class User

default role for authenticated user without own identity

$ User#authenticatorProperty in class User
$ User#authorizatorProperty in class User


SecurityExtension::beforeCompile() — Method in class SecurityExtension


CookieStorageClass in namespace Nette\Bridges\SecurityHttp

Cookie storage for Nette\Security\User object.

CookieStorage::clearAuthentication() — Method in class CookieStorage

Removed authenticated state of user.

SessionStorage::clearAuthentication() — Method in class SessionStorage

Removed authenticated state of user.

UserStorage::clearAuthentication() — Method in class UserStorage

Removed authenticated state of user.


$ Identity#dataProperty in class Identity
Permission::deny() — Method in class Permission

Denies one or more Roles access to [certain $privileges upon] the specified Resource(s).


SecurityExtension::getConfigSchema() — Method in class SecurityExtension
CookieStorage::getState() — Method in class CookieStorage

Returns user authenticated state, identity and logout reason.

SessionStorage::getState() — Method in class SessionStorage

Returns user authenticated state, identity and logout reason.

SessionStorage::getNamespace() — Method in class SessionStorage

Returns current namespace.

SessionStorage::getSessionSection() — Method in class SessionStorage

Returns and initializes $this->sessionSection.

UserPanel::getTab() — Method in class UserPanel

Renders tab.

UserPanel::getPanel() — Method in class UserPanel

Renders panel.

IIdentity::getId() — Method in class IIdentity

Returns the ID of user.

IIdentity::getRoles() — Method in class IIdentity

Returns a list of roles that the user is a member of.

IIdentity::getData() — Method in class IIdentity
Identity::getId() — Method in class Identity

Returns the ID of user.

Identity::getRoles() — Method in class Identity

Returns a list of roles that the user is a member of.

Identity::getData() — Method in class Identity

Returns a user data.

Permission::getRoles() — Method in class Permission

Returns all Roles.

Permission::getRoleParents() — Method in class Permission

Returns existing Role's parents ordered by ascending priority.

Permission::getResources() — Method in class Permission

Returns all Resources.

Permission::getQueriedRole() — Method in class Permission

Returns real currently queried Role. Use by assertion.

Permission::getQueriedResource() — Method in class Permission

Returns real currently queried Resource. Use by assertion.

Resource::getResourceId() — Method in class Resource

Returns a string identifier of the Resource.

Role::getRoleId() — Method in class Role

Returns a string identifier of the Role.

$ User#guestRoleProperty in class User

default role for unauthenticated user

User::getStorage() — Method in class User
User::getIdentity() — Method in class User

Returns current user identity, if any.

User::getId() — Method in class User

Returns current user ID, if any.

User::getAuthenticator() — Method in class User

Returns authentication handler.

User::getAuthenticatorIfExists() — Method in class User

Returns authentication handler.

User::getLogoutReason() — Method in class User

Why was user logged out? Returns LOGOUT_MANUAL or LOGOUT_INACTIVITY.

User::getRoles() — Method in class User

Returns a list of effective roles that a user has been granted.

User::getAuthorizator() — Method in class User

Returns current authorization handler.

User::getAuthorizatorIfExists() — Method in class User

Returns current authorization handler.

UserStorage::getState() — Method in class UserStorage

Returns user authenticated state, identity and logout reason.


Passwords::hash() — Method in class Passwords

Computes password´s hash. The result contains the algorithm ID and its settings, cryptographical salt and the hash itself.

Permission::hasRole() — Method in class Permission

Returns true if the Role exists in the list.

Permission::hasResource() — Method in class Permission

Returns true if the Resource exists in the list.

User::hasAuthenticator() — Method in class User
User::hasAuthorizator() — Method in class User


Authorizator::isAllowed() — Method in class Authorizator

Performs a role-based authorization.

IAuthenticatorClass in namespace Nette\Security
IAuthorizatorClass in namespace Nette\Security
IIdentityClass in namespace Nette\Security

Represents the user of application.

IResourceClass in namespace Nette\Security
IRoleClass in namespace Nette\Security
IdentityClass in namespace Nette\Security
$ Identity#idProperty in class Identity
IdentityHandlerClass in namespace Nette\Security

Adjusts identity from/to storage.

Permission::isAllowed() — Method in class Permission

Returns true if and only if the Role has access to [certain $privileges upon] the Resource.

$ User#identityProperty in class User
$ User#idProperty in class User
User::isLoggedIn() — Method in class User

Is this user authenticated?

User::isInRole() — Method in class User

Is a user in the specified effective role?

User::isAllowed() — Method in class User

Has a user effective access to the Resource? If $resource is null, then the query applies to all resources.


SecurityExtension::loadConfiguration() — Method in class SecurityExtension
$ User#loggedInProperty in class User
$ User#logoutReasonProperty in class User
User::login() — Method in class User

Conducts the authentication process. Parameters are optional.

User::logout() — Method in class User

Logs out the user from the current session.


Passwords::needsRehash() — Method in class Passwords

Finds out if the hash matches the options given in constructor.


$ User#onLoggedInProperty in class User
$ User#onLoggedOutProperty in class User


PasswordsClass in namespace Nette\Security

Password Hashing.

PermissionClass in namespace Nette\Security

Access control list (ACL) functionality and privileges management.


$ Identity#rolesProperty in class Identity
Permission::roleInheritsFrom() — Method in class Permission

Returns true if $role inherits from $inherit. If $onlyParents is true, then $role must inherit directly from $inherit.

Permission::removeRole() — Method in class Permission

Removes the Role from the list.

Permission::removeAllRoles() — Method in class Permission

Removes all Roles from the list.

Permission::resourceInheritsFrom() — Method in class Permission

Returns true if $resource inherits from $inherit. If $onlyParents is true, then $resource must inherit directly from $inherit.

Permission::removeResource() — Method in class Permission

Removes a Resource and all of its children.

Permission::removeAllResources() — Method in class Permission

Removes all Resources.

Permission::removeAllow() — Method in class Permission

Removes "allow" permissions from the list in the context of the given Roles, Resources, and privileges.

Permission::removeDeny() — Method in class Permission

Removes "deny" restrictions from the list in the context of the given Roles, Resources, and privileges.

ResourceClass in namespace Nette\Security

Represents resource, an object to which access is controlled.

RoleClass in namespace Nette\Security

Represents role, an object that may request access to an IResource.

$ User#rolesProperty in class User
User::refreshStorage() — Method in class User


SecurityExtensionClass in namespace Nette\Bridges\SecurityDI

Security extension for Nette DI.

CookieStorage::saveAuthentication() — Method in class CookieStorage

Sets the authenticated state of user.

CookieStorage::setExpiration() — Method in class CookieStorage

Enables log out from the persistent storage after inactivity (like '20 minutes').

CookieStorage::setCookieParameters() — Method in class CookieStorage
SessionStorageClass in namespace Nette\Bridges\SecurityHttp

Session storage for Nette\Security\User object.

SessionStorage::saveAuthentication() — Method in class SessionStorage

Sets the authenticated state of user.

SessionStorage::setExpiration() — Method in class SessionStorage

Enables log out from the persistent storage after inactivity (like '20 minutes').

SessionStorage::setNamespace() — Method in class SessionStorage

Changes namespace; allows more users to share a session.

Identity::setId() — Method in class Identity

Sets the ID of user.

Identity::setRoles() — Method in class Identity

Sets a list of roles that the user is a member of.

IdentityHandler::sleepIdentity() — Method in class IdentityHandler
Permission::setRule() — Method in class Permission

Performs operations on Access Control List rules.

SimpleAuthenticatorClass in namespace Nette\Security

Trivial implementation of Authenticator.

SimpleIdentityClass in namespace Nette\Security

Default implementation of IIdentity.

User::setAuthenticator() — Method in class User

Sets authentication handler.

User::setExpiration() — Method in class User

Enables log out after inactivity (like '20 minutes').

User::setAuthorizator() — Method in class User

Sets authorization handler.

UserStorage::saveAuthentication() — Method in class UserStorage

Sets the authenticated state of user.

UserStorage::setExpiration() — Method in class UserStorage

Enables log out from the persistent storage after inactivity (like '20 minutes').


UserPanelClass in namespace Nette\Bridges\SecurityTracy

User panel for Debugger Bar.

UserClass in namespace Nette\Security

User authentication and authorization.

UserStorageClass in namespace Nette\Security

Interface for persistent storage for user object data.


Passwords::verify() — Method in class Passwords

Finds out, whether the given password matches the given hash.

SimpleAuthenticator::verifyPassword() — Method in class SimpleAuthenticator


IdentityHandler::wakeupIdentity() — Method in class IdentityHandler


SecurityExtension::__construct() — Method in class SecurityExtension
CookieStorage::__construct() — Method in class CookieStorage
SessionStorage::__construct() — Method in class SessionStorage
UserPanel::__construct() — Method in class UserPanel
Identity::__construct() — Method in class Identity
Identity::__set() — Method in class Identity

Sets user data value.

Identity::__get() — Method in class Identity

Returns user data value.

Identity::__isset() — Method in class Identity
Passwords::__construct() — Method in class Passwords

Chooses which secure algorithm is used for hashing and how to configure it.

SimpleAuthenticator::__construct() — Method in class SimpleAuthenticator
User::__construct() — Method in class User