Component::attached() — Method in class Component

This method will be called when the component (or component's parent) becomes attached to a monitored object. Do not call this method yourself.

Container::addComponent() — Method in class Container

Adds the specified component to the IContainer.

IContainer::addComponent() — Method in class IContainer

Adds the specified component to the IContainer.


ComponentClass in namespace Nette\ComponentModel

Component is the base class for all components.

ContainerClass in namespace Nette\ComponentModel

ComponentContainer is default implementation of IContainer.

$ Container#componentsProperty in class Container
Container::createComponent() — Method in class Container

Component factory. Delegates the creation of components to a createComponent method.

RecursiveComponentIterator::count() — Method in class RecursiveComponentIterator

Returns the count of elements.


Component::detached() — Method in class Component

This method will be called before the component (or component's parent) becomes detached from a monitored object. Do not call this method yourself.


Component::getName() — Method in class Component
Component::getParent() — Method in class Component

Returns the container if any.

Container::getComponent() — Method in class Container

Returns component specified by name or path.

Container::getComponents() — Method in class Container

Iterates over components.

IComponent::getName() — Method in class IComponent
IComponent::getParent() — Method in class IComponent

Returns the container if any.

IContainer::getComponent() — Method in class IContainer

Returns single component.

IContainer::getComponents() — Method in class IContainer

Iterates over a components.

RecursiveComponentIterator::getChildren() — Method in class RecursiveComponentIterator

The sub-iterator for the current element.


RecursiveComponentIterator::hasChildren() — Method in class RecursiveComponentIterator

Has the current element has children?


IComponentClass in namespace Nette\ComponentModel

Provides functionality required by all components.

IContainerClass in namespace Nette\ComponentModel

Containers are objects that logically contain zero or more IComponent components.


Component::lookup() — Method in class Component

Lookup hierarchy for component specified by class or interface name.

Component::lookupPath() — Method in class Component

Lookup for component specified by class or interface name. Returns backtrace path.


Component::monitor() — Method in class Component

Starts monitoring.


$ Component#nameProperty in class Component


$ Component#parentProperty in class Component


Container::removeComponent() — Method in class Container

Removes a component from the IContainer.

IContainer::removeComponent() — Method in class IContainer

Removes a component from the IContainer.

RecursiveComponentIteratorClass in namespace Nette\ComponentModel

Recursive component iterator. See Container::getComponents().


Component::setParent() — Method in class Component

Sets or removes the parent of this component. This method is managed by containers and should not be called by applications

IComponent::setParent() — Method in class IComponent

Sets the parent of this component.


Component::unmonitor() — Method in class Component

Stops monitoring.


Component::validateParent() — Method in class Component

Is called by a component when it is about to be set new parent. Descendant can override this method to disallow a parent change by throwing an Nette\InvalidStateException

Container::validateChildComponent() — Method in class Container

Descendant can override this method to disallow insert a child by throwing an Nette\InvalidStateException.


Component::__construct() — Method in class Component
Component::__clone() — Method in class Component

Object cloning.

Component::__sleep() — Method in class Component

Prevents serialization.

Component::__wakeup() — Method in class Component

Prevents unserialization.

Container::__clone() — Method in class Container

Object cloning.

Container::_isCloning() — Method in class Container

Is container cloning now?