class Strings
String tools library.
Static class - cannot be instantiated.
Checks if the string is valid for UTF-8 encoding.
Removes invalid code unit sequences from UTF-8 string.
Returns a specific character in UTF-8.
Starts the $haystack string with the prefix $needle?
Ends the $haystack string with the suffix $needle?
Does $haystack contain $needle?
Returns a part of UTF-8 string.
Removes special controls characters and normalizes line endings and spaces.
Standardize line endings to unix-like.
Converts to ASCII.
Converts to web safe characters [a-z0-9-] text.
Truncates string to maximal length.
Indents the content from the left.
Convert to lower case.
Convert to upper case.
Convert first character to upper case.
Capitalize string.
Case-insensitive compares UTF-8 strings.
Finds the length of common prefix of strings.
Returns number of characters (not bytes) in UTF-8 string.
Strips whitespace.
Pad a string to a certain length with another string.
Pad a string to a certain length with another string.
Reverse string.
Splits string by a regular expression.
Performs a regular expression match.
Performs a global regular expression match.
Perform a regular expression search and replace.
No description
at line 24
Static class - cannot be instantiated.
at line 35
static bool
Checks if the string is valid for UTF-8 encoding.
at line 49
static string
Removes invalid code unit sequences from UTF-8 string.
at line 68
static string
Returns a specific character in UTF-8.
at line 83
static bool
startsWith($haystack, $needle)
Starts the $haystack string with the prefix $needle?
at line 95
static bool
endsWith($haystack, $needle)
Ends the $haystack string with the suffix $needle?
at line 107
static bool
contains($haystack, $needle)
Does $haystack contain $needle?
at line 120
static string
substring($s, $start, $length = NULL)
Returns a part of UTF-8 string.
at line 141
static string
Removes special controls characters and normalizes line endings and spaces.
at line 163
static string
Standardize line endings to unix-like.
at line 174
static string
Converts to ASCII.
at line 210
static string
webalize($s, $charlist = NULL, $lower = TRUE)
Converts to web safe characters [a-z0-9-] text.
at line 229
static string
truncate($s, $maxLen, $append = "…")
Truncates string to maximal length.
at line 254
static string
indent($s, $level = 1, $chars = "\t")
Indents the content from the left.
at line 268
static string
Convert to lower case.
at line 279
static string
Convert to upper case.
at line 290
static string
Convert first character to upper case.
at line 301
static string
Capitalize string.
at line 314
static bool
compare($left, $right, $len = NULL)
Case-insensitive compares UTF-8 strings.
at line 332
static string
Finds the length of common prefix of strings.
at line 358
static int
Returns number of characters (not bytes) in UTF-8 string.
That is the number of Unicode code points which may differ from the number of graphemes.
at line 370
static string
trim($s, $charlist = " \t\n\r\x00\v ")
Strips whitespace.
at line 384
static string
padLeft($s, $length, $pad = ' ')
Pad a string to a certain length with another string.
at line 399
static string
padRight($s, $length, $pad = ' ')
Pad a string to a certain length with another string.
at line 412
static string
Reverse string.
at line 422
random($length = 10, $charlist = '0-9a-z')
Use Nette\Utils\Random::generate
at line 435
static array
split($subject, $pattern, $flags = 0)
Splits string by a regular expression.
at line 449
static mixed
match($subject, $pattern, $flags = 0, $offset = 0)
Performs a regular expression match.
at line 468
static array
matchAll($subject, $pattern, $flags = 0, $offset = 0)
Performs a global regular expression match.
at line 490
static string
replace($subject, $pattern, $replacement = NULL, $limit = -1)
Perform a regular expression search and replace.
at line 512
pcre($func, $args)
internal |
No description