class Helpers
Database helpers.
static | $maxLength | maximum SQL length |
static void
static string
static int
loadFromFile(Explorer $explorer, string $file, callable|null $onProgress = null)
Import SQL dump from file - extremely fast.
static ConnectionPanel|null
createDebugPanel(Explorer $connection, bool $explain, string $name, Bar $bar, BlueScreen $blueScreen)
No description
static ConnectionPanel|null
initializeTracy(Explorer $connection, bool $addBarPanel = false, string $name = '', bool $explain = true, Bar|null $bar = null, BlueScreen|null $blueScreen = null)
No description
static array
toPairs(array $rows, string|int|Closure|null $key, string|int|null $value)
Reformat source to key -> value pairs.
static array
parseColumnType(string $type)
No description
at line 31
static void
dumpResult(Result $result)
Displays complete result set as HTML table for debug purposes.
at line 78
static string
dumpSql(SqlLiteral $query, Explorer|null $explorer = null)
Returns syntax highlighted SQL command.
at line 160
static int
loadFromFile(Explorer $explorer, string $file, callable|null $onProgress = null)
Import SQL dump from file - extremely fast.
at line 205
static ConnectionPanel|null
createDebugPanel(Explorer $connection, bool $explain, string $name, Bar $bar, BlueScreen $blueScreen)
No description
at line 219
static ConnectionPanel|null
initializeTracy(Explorer $connection, bool $addBarPanel = false, string $name = '', bool $explain = true, Bar|null $bar = null, BlueScreen|null $blueScreen = null)
No description
at line 237
static array
toPairs(array $rows, string|int|Closure|null $key, string|int|null $value)
Reformat source to key -> value pairs.
at line 279
static array
parseColumnType(string $type)
No description