Classes summary
Button |
Push button control with no default behavior. |
Checkbox |
Check box control. Allows the user to select a true or false condition. |
FormControl |
Base class that implements the basic functionality common to form controls. |
HiddenField |
Hidden form control used to store a non-displayed value. |
ImageButton |
Submittable image button form control. |
MultiSelectBox |
Select box control that allows multiple item selection. |
RadioList |
Set of radio button controls. |
SelectBox |
Select box control that allows single item selection. |
SubmitButton |
Submittable button control. |
TextArea |
Multiline text input control. |
TextBase |
Implements the basic functionality common to text input controls. |
TextInput |
Single line text input control. |
UploadControl |
Text box and browse button that allow users to select a file to upload to the
server. |