$ Wrapper#contextProperty in class Wrapper


Wrapper::register() — Method in class Wrapper

Registers protocol 'nette.safe://'.


Wrapper::stream_open() — Method in class Wrapper

Opens file.

Wrapper::stream_close() — Method in class Wrapper

Closes file.

Wrapper::stream_read() — Method in class Wrapper

Reads up to length bytes from the file.

Wrapper::stream_write() — Method in class Wrapper

Writes the string to the file.

Wrapper::stream_truncate() — Method in class Wrapper

Truncates a file to a given length.

Wrapper::stream_tell() — Method in class Wrapper

Returns the position of the file.

Wrapper::stream_eof() — Method in class Wrapper

Returns true if the file pointer is at end-of-file.

Wrapper::stream_seek() — Method in class Wrapper

Sets the file position indicator for the file.

Wrapper::stream_stat() — Method in class Wrapper

Gets information about a file referenced by $this->handle.

Wrapper::stream_set_option() — Method in class Wrapper

Does nothing, but since PHP 7.4 needs to be implemented when using wrapper for includes

SafeStreamClass in namespace Nette\Utils


Wrapper::url_stat() — Method in class Wrapper

Gets information about a file referenced by filename.

Wrapper::unlink() — Method in class Wrapper

Deletes a file.


WrapperClass in namespace Nette\SafeStream

Provides isolation for thread safe file manipulation using stream nette.safe://