class Arrays

Array tools library.


static T
get(array $array, string|int|array-key[] $key, T $default = null)

Returns item from array. If it does not exist, it throws an exception, unless a default value is set.

static T
getRef(array $array, string|int|array-key[] $key)

Returns reference to array item. If the index does not exist, new one is created with value null.

static array
mergeTree(array $array1, array $array2)

Recursively merges two fields. It is useful, for example, for merging tree structures. It behaves as the + operator for array, ie. it adds a key/value pair from the second array to the first one and retains the value from the first array in the case of a key collision.

static int|null
getKeyOffset(array $array, array-key $key)

Returns zero-indexed position of given array key. Returns null if key is not found.

static int|null
searchKey(array $array, $key) deprecated

No description

static bool
contains(array $array, mixed $value)

Tests an array for the presence of value.

static T
first(array $array)

Returns the first item from the array or null if array is empty.

static T
last(array $array)

Returns the last item from the array or null if array is empty.

static void
insertBefore(array $array, string|int|null $key, array $inserted)

Inserts the contents of the $inserted array into the $array immediately after the $key.

static void
insertAfter(array $array, string|int|null $key, array $inserted)

Inserts the contents of the $inserted array into the $array before the $key.

static bool
renameKey(array $array, array-key $oldKey, array-key $newKey)

Renames key in array.

static array
grep(array $array, string $pattern, int $flags = 0)

Returns only those array items, which matches a regular expression $pattern.

static array
flatten(array $array, bool $preserveKeys = false)

Transforms multidimensional array to flat array.

static bool
isList(mixed $value)

Checks if the array is indexed in ascending order of numeric keys from zero, a.k.a list.

static array|stdClass
associate(array $array, string|string[] $path)

Reformats table to associative tree. Path looks like 'field|field[]field->field=field'.

static array
normalize(array $array, mixed $filling = null)

Normalizes array to associative array. Replace numeric keys with their values, the new value will be $filling.

static T
pick(array $array, array-key $key, T $default = null)

Returns and removes the value of an item from an array. If it does not exist, it throws an exception, or returns $default, if provided.

static bool
some(iterable $array, callable $callback)

Tests whether at least one element in the array passes the test implemented by the provided callback with signature function ($value, $key, array $array): bool.

static bool
every(iterable $array, callable $callback)

Tests whether all elements in the array pass the test implemented by the provided function, which has the signature function ($value, $key, array $array): bool.

static array
map(iterable $array, callable $callback)

Calls $callback on all elements in the array and returns the array of return values.

static array
invoke(iterable $callbacks, ...$args)

Invokes all callbacks and returns array of results.

static array
invokeMethod(iterable $objects, string $method, ...$args)

Invokes method on every object in an array and returns array of results.

static T
toObject(iterable $array, T $object)

Copies the elements of the $array array to the $object object and then returns it.

static array-key
toKey(mixed $value)

Converts value to array key.

static array
wrap(array $array, string $prefix = '', string $suffix = '')

Returns copy of the $array where every item is converted to string and prefixed by $prefix and suffixed by $suffix.


at line 33
static T get(array $array, string|int|array-key[] $key, T $default = null)

Returns item from array. If it does not exist, it throws an exception, unless a default value is set.


array $array
string|int|array-key[] $key
T $default

Return Value




at line 59
static T getRef(array $array, string|int|array-key[] $key)

Returns reference to array item. If the index does not exist, new one is created with value null.


array $array
string|int|array-key[] $key

Return Value




at line 83
static array mergeTree(array $array1, array $array2)

Recursively merges two fields. It is useful, for example, for merging tree structures. It behaves as the + operator for array, ie. it adds a key/value pair from the second array to the first one and retains the value from the first array in the case of a key collision.


array $array1
array $array2

Return Value


at line 101
static int|null getKeyOffset(array $array, array-key $key)

Returns zero-indexed position of given array key. Returns null if key is not found.


array $array
array-key $key

Return Value


offset if it is found, null otherwise

at line 110
static int|null searchKey(array $array, $key) deprecated

deprecated use getKeyOffset()

No description


array $array

Return Value


at line 120
static bool contains(array $array, mixed $value)

Tests an array for the presence of value.


array $array
mixed $value

Return Value


at line 132
static T first(array $array)

Returns the first item from the array or null if array is empty.


array $array

Return Value


at line 144
static T last(array $array)

Returns the last item from the array or null if array is empty.


array $array

Return Value


at line 155
static void insertBefore(array $array, string|int|null $key, array $inserted)

Inserts the contents of the $inserted array into the $array immediately after the $key.

If $key is null (or does not exist), it is inserted at the beginning.


array $array
string|int|null $key
array $inserted

Return Value


at line 169
static void insertAfter(array $array, string|int|null $key, array $inserted)

Inserts the contents of the $inserted array into the $array before the $key.

If $key is null (or does not exist), it is inserted at the end.


array $array
string|int|null $key
array $inserted

Return Value


at line 186
static bool renameKey(array $array, array-key $oldKey, array-key $newKey)

Renames key in array.


array $array
array-key $oldKey
array-key $newKey

Return Value


at line 207
static array grep(array $array, string $pattern, int $flags = 0)

Returns only those array items, which matches a regular expression $pattern.


array $array
string $pattern
int $flags

Return Value


at line 221
static array flatten(array $array, bool $preserveKeys = false)

Transforms multidimensional array to flat array.


array $array
bool $preserveKeys

Return Value


at line 236
static bool isList(mixed $value)

Checks if the array is indexed in ascending order of numeric keys from zero, a.k.a list.


mixed $value

Return Value


at line 250
static array|stdClass associate(array $array, string|string[] $path)

Reformats table to associative tree. Path looks like 'field|field[]field->field=field'.


array $array
string|string[] $path

Return Value


at line 304
static array normalize(array $array, mixed $filling = null)

Normalizes array to associative array. Replace numeric keys with their values, the new value will be $filling.


array $array
mixed $filling

Return Value


at line 325
static T pick(array $array, array-key $key, T $default = null)

Returns and removes the value of an item from an array. If it does not exist, it throws an exception, or returns $default, if provided.


array $array
array-key $key
T $default

Return Value




at line 345
static bool some(iterable $array, callable $callback)

Tests whether at least one element in the array passes the test implemented by the provided callback with signature function ($value, $key, array $array): bool.


iterable $array
callable $callback

Return Value


at line 361
static bool every(iterable $array, callable $callback)

Tests whether all elements in the array pass the test implemented by the provided function, which has the signature function ($value, $key, array $array): bool.


iterable $array
callable $callback

Return Value


at line 377
static array map(iterable $array, callable $callback)

Calls $callback on all elements in the array and returns the array of return values.

The callback has the signature function ($value, $key, array $array): bool.


iterable $array
callable $callback

Return Value


at line 392
static array invoke(iterable $callbacks, ...$args)

Invokes all callbacks and returns array of results.


iterable $callbacks

Return Value


at line 407
static array invokeMethod(iterable $objects, string $method, ...$args)

Invokes method on every object in an array and returns array of results.


iterable $objects
string $method

Return Value


at line 424
static T toObject(iterable $array, T $object)

Copies the elements of the $array array to the $object object and then returns it.


iterable $array
T $object

Return Value


at line 439
static array-key toKey(mixed $value)

Converts value to array key.


mixed $value

Return Value


at line 451
static array wrap(array $array, string $prefix = '', string $suffix = '')

Returns copy of the $array where every item is converted to string and prefixed by $prefix and suffixed by $suffix.


array $array
string $prefix
string $suffix

Return Value



Static class.