final class Callback
PHP callable tools.
Invokes internal PHP function with own error handler.
Checks that $callable is valid PHP callback. Otherwise throws exception. If the $syntax is set to true, only verifies that $callable has a valid structure to be used as a callback, but does not verify if the class or method actually exists.
Converts PHP callback to textual form. Class or method may not exists.
Returns reflection for method or function used in PHP callback.
Checks whether PHP callback is function or static method.
at line 27
static Closure
closure(string|object|callable $callable, string|null $method = null)
No description
at line 43
static mixed
invoke($callable, ...$args)
Invokes callback.
at line 56
static mixed
invokeArgs($callable, array $args = [])
Invokes callback with an array of parameters.
at line 68
static mixed
invokeSafe(string $function, array $args, callable $onError)
Invokes internal PHP function with own error handler.
at line 99
static callable
check(mixed $callable, bool $syntax = false)
Checks that $callable is valid PHP callback. Otherwise throws exception. If the $syntax is set to true, only verifies that $callable has a valid structure to be used as a callback, but does not verify if the class or method actually exists.
at line 117
static string
toString(mixed $callable)
Converts PHP callback to textual form. Class or method may not exists.
at line 137
static ReflectionFunctionAbstract
toReflection(callable $callable)
Returns reflection for method or function used in PHP callback.
at line 158
static bool
isStatic(callable $callable)
Checks whether PHP callback is function or static method.
at line 168
static callable|array
unwrap(Closure $closure)
Unwraps closure created by Closure::fromCallable().
Static class.