Message::addReplyTo() — Method in class Message

Adds the reply-to address.

Message::addTo() — Method in class Message

Adds email recipient.

Message::addCc() — Method in class Message

Adds carbon copy email recipient.

Message::addBcc() — Method in class Message

Adds blind carbon copy email recipient.

Message::addEmbeddedFile() — Method in class Message

Adds embedded file.

Message::addAttachment() — Method in class Message

Adds attachment.

MimePart::addPart() — Method in class MimePart

Adds or creates new multipart.


Message::build() — Method in class Message

Builds email. Does not modify itself, but returns a new object.

Message::buildText() — Method in class Message

Builds text content.

$ MimePart#bodyProperty in class MimePart


MimePart::clearHeader() — Method in class MimePart

Removes a header.

$ SendmailMailer#commandArgsProperty in class SendmailMailer
SmtpMailer::connect() — Method in class SmtpMailer

Connects and authenticates to SMTP server.


$ MailExtension#defaultsProperty in class MailExtension
$ Message#defaultHeadersProperty in class Message
SmtpMailer::disconnect() — Method in class SmtpMailer

Disconnects from SMTP server.


Message::getFrom() — Method in class Message

Returns the sender of the message.

Message::getSubject() — Method in class Message

Returns the subject of the message.

Message::getReturnPath() — Method in class Message

Returns the Return-Path header.

Message::getPriority() — Method in class Message

Returns email priority.

Message::getHtmlBody() — Method in class Message

Gets HTML body.

Message::getAttachments() — Method in class Message

Gets all email attachments.

Message::generateMessage() — Method in class Message

Returns encoded message.

MimePart::getHeader() — Method in class MimePart

Returns a header.

MimePart::getEncodedHeader() — Method in class MimePart

Returns an encoded header.

MimePart::getHeaders() — Method in class MimePart

Returns all headers.

MimePart::getEncoding() — Method in class MimePart

Returns Content-Transfer-Encoding header.

MimePart::getBody() — Method in class MimePart

Gets textual body.

MimePart::getEncodedMessage() — Method in class MimePart

Returns encoded message.


$ Message#htmlBodyProperty in class Message


IMailerClass in namespace Nette\Mail

Mailer interface.


MailExtension::loadConfiguration() — Method in class MailExtension


MailExtensionClass in namespace Nette\Bridges\MailDI

Mail extension for Nette DI.

MessageClass in namespace Nette\Mail

Mail provides functionality to compose and send both text and MIME-compliant multipart email messages.

MimePartClass in namespace Nette\Mail

MIME message part.


SmtpMailer::read() — Method in class SmtpMailer

Reads response from server.


IMailer::send() — Method in class IMailer

Sends email.

$ Message#subjectProperty in class Message
Message::setFrom() — Method in class Message

Sets the sender of the message.

Message::setSubject() — Method in class Message

Sets the subject of the message.

Message::setReturnPath() — Method in class Message

Sets the Return-Path header of the message.

Message::setPriority() — Method in class Message

Sets email priority.

Message::setHtmlBody() — Method in class Message

Sets HTML body.

MimePart::setHeader() — Method in class MimePart

Sets a header.

MimePart::setContentType() — Method in class MimePart

Sets Content-Type header.

MimePart::setEncoding() — Method in class MimePart

Sets Content-Transfer-Encoding header.

MimePart::setBody() — Method in class MimePart

Sets textual body.

SendExceptionClass in namespace Nette\Mail

Exception thrown when a mail sending error is encountered.

SendmailMailerClass in namespace Nette\Mail

Sends emails via the PHP internal mail() function.

SendmailMailer::send() — Method in class SendmailMailer

Sends email.

SmtpExceptionClass in namespace Nette\Mail

SMTP mailer exception.

SmtpMailerClass in namespace Nette\Mail

Sends emails via the SMTP server.

SmtpMailer::send() — Method in class SmtpMailer

Sends email.


SmtpMailer::write() — Method in class SmtpMailer

Writes data to server and checks response against expected code if some provided.


Message::__construct() — Method in class Message
SmtpMailer::__construct() — Method in class SmtpMailer