final class Reflection
PHP reflection helpers.
Returns a reflection of a class or trait that contains a declaration of given property. Property can also be declared in the trait.
Returns a reflection of a method that contains a declaration of $method.
Finds out if reflection has access to PHPdoc comments. Comments may not be available due to the opcode cache.
Expands the name of the class to full name in the given context of given class.
at line 23
static bool
isBuiltinType(string $type)
deprecated use Nette\Utils\Validator::isBuiltinType()
No description
at line 30
static bool
isClassKeyword(string $name)
deprecated use Nette\Utils\Validator::isClassKeyword()
No description
at line 37
static mixed
getParameterDefaultValue(ReflectionParameter $param)
deprecated use native ReflectionParameter::getDefaultValue()
No description
at line 71
static ReflectionClass
getPropertyDeclaringClass(ReflectionProperty $prop)
Returns a reflection of a class or trait that contains a declaration of given property. Property can also be declared in the trait.
at line 90
static ReflectionMethod
getMethodDeclaringMethod(ReflectionMethod $method)
Returns a reflection of a method that contains a declaration of $method.
Usually, each method is its own declaration, but the body of the method can also be in the trait and under a different name.
at line 125
static bool
Finds out if reflection has access to PHPdoc comments. Comments may not be available due to the opcode cache.
at line 132
static string
toString(Reflector $ref)
No description
at line 157
static string
expandClassName(string $name, ReflectionClass $context)
Expands the name of the class to full name in the given context of given class.
Thus, it returns how the PHP parser would understand $name if it were written in the body of the class $context.
at line 194
static array
getUseStatements(ReflectionClass $class)
No description
Static class.