abstract class Component implements IComponent
Component is the base class for all components.
Components are objects implementing IComponent. They has parent component and own name.
string read-only | $name | ||
IContainer|null read-only | $parent |
Finds the closest ancestor specified by class or interface name.
Finds the closest ancestor specified by class or interface name and returns backtrace path.
Starts monitoring of ancestors.
Stops monitoring of ancestors.
This method will be called when the component (or component's parent) becomes attached to a monitored object. Do not call this method yourself.
This method will be called before the component (or component's parent) becomes detached from a monitored object. Do not call this method yourself.
No description
Returns the parent container if any.
Sets or removes the parent of this component. This method is managed by containers and should not be called by applications
Is called by a component when it is about to be set new parent. Descendant can override this method to disallow a parent change by throwing an Nette\InvalidStateException
Object cloning.
Prevents serialization.
Prevents unserialization.
at line 41
final IComponent|null
lookup(string|null $type, bool $throw = true)
Finds the closest ancestor specified by class or interface name.
at line 83
final string|null
lookupPath(string $type = null, bool $throw = true)
Finds the closest ancestor specified by class or interface name and returns backtrace path.
A path is the concatenation of component names separated by self::NAME_SEPARATOR.
at line 93
final void
monitor(string $type, callable $attached = null, callable $detached = null)
Starts monitoring of ancestors.
at line 113
final void
unmonitor(string $type)
Stops monitoring of ancestors.
at line 124
protected void
attached(IComponent $obj)
deprecated use monitor($type, $attached)
This method will be called when the component (or component's parent) becomes attached to a monitored object. Do not call this method yourself.
at line 134
protected void
detached(IComponent $obj)
deprecated use monitor($type, null, $detached)
This method will be called before the component (or component's parent) becomes detached from a monitored object. Do not call this method yourself.
at line 142
final string|null
No description
at line 151
final IContainer|null
Returns the parent container if any.
at line 164
setParent(IContainer|null $parent, string $name = null)
internal |
Sets or removes the parent of this component. This method is managed by containers and should not be called by applications
at line 203
protected void
validateParent(IContainer $parent)
Is called by a component when it is about to be set new parent. Descendant can override this method to disallow a parent change by throwing an Nette\InvalidStateException
at line 280
Object cloning.
at line 301
Prevents serialization.
at line 310
Prevents unserialization.
Strict class for better experience.