class Validators
Validation utilities.
static protected array<string,?callable> | $validators | ||
static protected array<string,callable> | $counters |
Verifies that the value is of expected types separated by pipe.
Verifies that element $key in array is of expected types separated by pipe.
Verifies that the value is of expected types separated by pipe.
Finds whether all values are of expected types separated by pipe.
Checks if the value is an integer or a float.
Checks if the value is an integer or a integer written in a string.
Checks if the value is a number or a number written in a string.
Checks if the value is a syntactically correct callback.
Checks if the value is a valid UTF-8 string.
Checks if the value is 0, '', false or null.
No description
Checks if the value is in the given range [min, max], where the upper or lower limit can be omitted (null).
Checks if the value is a valid email address. It does not verify that the domain actually exists, only the syntax is verified.
Checks if the value is a valid URL address.
Checks if the value is a valid URI address, that is, actually a string beginning with a syntactically valid schema.
Checks whether the input is a class, interface or trait.
Checks whether the input is a valid PHP identifier.
at line 93
static void
assert(mixed $value, string $expected, string $label = 'variable')
Verifies that the value is of expected types separated by pipe.
at line 115
static void
assertField(array $array, int|string $key, string $expected = null, string $label = "item '%' in array")
Verifies that element $key in array is of expected types separated by pipe.
at line 134
static bool
is(mixed $value, string $expected)
Verifies that the value is of expected types separated by pipe.
at line 190
static bool
everyIs(iterable $values, string $expected)
Finds whether all values are of expected types separated by pipe.
at line 205
static bool
isNumber(mixed $value)
Checks if the value is an integer or a float.
at line 215
static bool
isNumericInt(mixed $value)
Checks if the value is an integer or a integer written in a string.
at line 225
static bool
isNumeric(mixed $value)
Checks if the value is a number or a number written in a string.
at line 235
static bool
isCallable(mixed $value)
Checks if the value is a syntactically correct callback.
at line 245
static bool
isUnicode(mixed $value)
Checks if the value is a valid UTF-8 string.
at line 255
static bool
isNone(mixed $value)
Checks if the value is 0, '', false or null.
at line 262
static bool
internal |
No description
at line 273
static bool
isList(mixed $value)
deprecated use Nette\Utils\Arrays::isList
Checks if a variable is a zero-based integer indexed array.
at line 284
static bool
isInRange(mixed $value, array $range)
Checks if the value is in the given range [min, max], where the upper or lower limit can be omitted (null).
Numbers, strings and DateTime objects can be compared.
at line 308
static bool
isEmail(string $value)
Checks if the value is a valid email address. It does not verify that the domain actually exists, only the syntax is verified.
at line 327
static bool
isUrl(string $value)
Checks if the value is a valid URL address.
at line 351
static bool
isUri(string $value)
Checks if the value is a valid URI address, that is, actually a string beginning with a syntactically valid schema.
at line 360
static bool
isType(string $type)
Checks whether the input is a class, interface or trait.
at line 369
static bool
isPhpIdentifier(string $value)
Checks whether the input is a valid PHP identifier.
Static class.